Zentner offers a variety of self-contained post-press equipment perfectly targeted for entry level and midsized screen printing companies. Manufactured in Germany of high-grade, rust-free stainless steel 1.4301 and completely manufactured in Germany, free-standing machines for screen washing, reclaiming, degreasing and developing are available. Screens are always processed simultaneously from both sides with a specially designed, oscillating dual spray nozzle system.
Zentner Aquatec GE 100 and Varitec GE 300
Zentner Aquatec GE 100 and Varitec GE 300
These Zentner systems are available as screen developing/degreasing or as screen washing/reclaiming units with automatic roller door and backlit wall. Enclosed processing chamber protects work space and operators. Automatic processing ensures uniformity, consistency and predictability in screen making. Recycling water via a special filtration system and only sparingly using fresh water is an environmentally pro-active approach.
Zentner Soltec and Varitec
Two independently and separately operating units for screen washing, reclaiming, degreasing and developing. Both systems are made of high-grade, polished stainless steel and the processing chambers are hermetically closed during operation. An external drying system together with a multiple tank system allows for uninterrupted process workflow and minimizes usage of chemicals with the automatic recirculation tank system.
All equipment components with the exception of the electric cabinet and programming display are of ATEX explosion-proof execution.
Zentner Soltec and Varitec
Our German post and pre-press equipment manufacturer Zentner is a leading provider of highly automated in-line equipment configurations for screen developing, screen washing, reclaiming and degreasing. All truly modular machine designs can be expanded with in-feed and delivering magazines creating an efficient, unattended process workflow. All Zentner equipment is entirely manufactured in Germany and made of high-grade, rust-free stainless steel 1.4301.
We offer two models for automatic in-line screen processing — the mature and well-proven SpeedLine and the new MultiLine systems.
SpeedLine — Automatic inline screen washing/reclaiming
Individual modules that can be used for the ultimate design of a custom-built in-line configuration consisting of processing stations for loading, washing, dwell, rinsing, reclaiming, finishing, screen drying and off-loading.
All modular processing stations operate independently within the overall system control for the entire SpeedLine configuration. Options such as different filtration systems and loading and off-loading magazine units for up to 30 screens are available. Activation or de-activation of individual process modules can be controlled from the central control panel. The electronically adjustable conveyor processing speed can meet any post-press screen production requirements.
At any time in the future, additional modules can be added to the initial in-line configuration allowing for easy adjustments to any conceivable work flow challenge in later years.
The standard brush-free operation can be constructed with a low impact brush system for special operations.
Accurate metering systems for environmentally friendly chemicals reduce consumable costs considerably.
MultiLine— Automatic modular screen washing/reclaimging
As its larger sibling, the MultiLine consists of a true modular machine design that was conceptualized for smaller screens yet based on the exact same Zentner processing technologies as applied in larger Zentner machines.
The major manufacturing difference concentrates on a refined and unique modular assembly approach that makes this equipment concept extremely flexible and affordable. Standalone, modular processing chamber stations can be expanded in creating custom-designed, side-by-side or inline workflow configurations consisting of automatic screen washing, reclaiming and or developing.
Gradual expansion of original equipment investments in standalone MultiLine modules is the most economical approach as growing production requirements can justify such intelligent automation upgrades.
An ultimate MultiLine inline processing configuration can be equipped with loading and off-loading magazines, filtration systems, chemical and water recycling, screen drying as well as other available options.