Originally posted at INPRINT Industrial Print Blog.
Peter Max Weber
Frazer Chesterman interviews Peter Max Weber, President of Award winning Screen and Digital Equipment provider - dlp imaging inc, (dlpic)
Digital Innovation improving screen printing for Industrial applications
So Peter tell us a little about the history of your company?
From the ‘get go’ in the early 1980s, our company has been bringing state-of-the-art European screen printing technologies to North American screen printing markets. It was always about introducing new automated European screen technologies to the USA. Our technological competence was based on introductions of distinct global brand names such as Svecia, Klemm, SPS, Lüscher, A&M Kinzel, CST and Zentner Systems who we successfully established in the USA’.
We used to sell automated screen printing technologies to big US manufacturing companies such as AT&T, General Motors, RCA and IBM as they developed mass production of technical products. This led to build up strong relationships with the supply chains around membrane switches and printed electronics.’
How has the business evolved from those heady early days ?
‘Without a doubt, with the development of digital print technology , screen printing in traditional large format graphics shrunk. It still remaines a strong alternative for endusers in specialty applications such as fashion displays, outdoor and recreational markets, converting digitally or offset printed products with logo and specialty colors as well as spot varnishing. However, screen printing continued to be used in more technical and increasingly industrial applications for manufacturing production. Throughout the last 20 years there is a strong supply chain for the Automotive, Avionics, White goods, Medical appliances, Identification, Security, Electronics and High-end transfer sectors. The continuation of providing first class screen printing technology solutions together with intelligent automation to a wide range of industrial and technical screen printing market segments remains the undivided focus of our company’
There is optimism about the current economic environment as a return of advanced manufacturing andhigh tech business to the US mainland will require the understanding and will to invest in intelligent automation of screen printing. With the strength and the many advantages of screen printing for precise deposition of a large range of ink systems on manufactured products opens untapped “manufacturing applications” for screen printing.
So, what are these real advantages that Screen Print has over Digital for industrial applications?
The real advantage of screen print technology, is and remains, in industrial applications where we no longer are limited to “screen printing” but rather to a more encompassing term such as “screen print manufacturing”. This means that ink, functional paste or other liquid systems, can be delivered in precisely measured thicknesses on an unmatched variety of substrates with precision-printed elements such as 20-30 microns fine lines for printed electronics application either in small or mass produced orders. Stand-alone or in-line automated process modules offer the design of customer-specific production configurations where “screen printing manufacturing” is an important integral component offering the widest and most profitable production efficiency.
Interestingly, we are increasingly seeing ‘hybrid’ use of screen printing combined with other analogue technologies or with digital to provide a value added solution. One of the advantages of our company and our collaboration with European specialists like ESC is our ability to design customised solutions for our customers’
Why is the time right for the next industrial revolution and in particular for InPrint in the USA?
I am definitely seeing an increased demand for knowledge and understanding of Industrial Print possibilities particularly functional products. I am really excited about InPrint coming to the USA, I think the time is right !
I was first exposed to InPrint in Munich, Germany 2015 and I think we in the US are at a similar point in development.
I saw and spoke to lots of companies who were thinking about and investigating the possibilities for a variety of projects. All I would say is that US creativity does not have to depend on logistical challenges for project realization outside of the USA. Our nation’s ingenuity that must be backed up with the commitment to utilize intelligent automation to its fullest extent will provide the fastest “Design Concept to Market Introduction Cycle”.
When it comes to a problem to solve, the US can do it quickly and that suits our mantra – ‘Give us a problem, we will find a solution’.
We have a variety of pre- and post-press screen printing and finishing modules that we can put together to build the perfect intelligently automated production solution.’