Screen Developing
fineLine screenDevelop automatic screen developing
fineLine screenDevelop – standalone or inline screen developing
An automatic developing system made entirely of high-grade stainless steel 1.4301 that processes screens in a hermetically enclosed application chamber. No spillage of water or water vapor can affect the surrounding production area. A quick shutter provides operator convenient front access to the processing chamber and an evenly backlit LED back wall allows for immediate quality control.
All developing parameters are easily set on the color touch panel to perfectly match the developing requirements of any conceivable mesh/emulsion/EOM combinations. Selected processing parameters stored in separate menus can be archived and recalled for repeat jobs. The nozzle bars which are contained in the robust moveable application bridge simultaneously apply water pressure from both sides onto the imaged screen. The offset position of opposing nozzles and the special factory-set application angle eliminate any possible streaks or other developing imperfections.
Our new and exclusive ePowerWash system electronically controls water pressure which can be independently adjusted for front and/or back nozzle bars and for every single processing pass — from 15 to 500PSI. Every single, independent adjustment can be set, archived and recalled from the color touch panel and will be electronically controlled and monitored. This long overdue and extremely important ePowerWash technology provides total production freedom, flexibility, consistency and uniformity. The most challenging mesh/emulsion/EOM combination is no longer exempt from automatic developing.
The fineLine screenDevelop system is available for screen sizes of 34” x 47” to 12ft x 24ft and is available for all our standalone or inline equipment. Electronically combining the fineLine screenDevelop technology with an inline Computer-to-Screen imaging system is simple and can result in enhanced processing automation with standardized screen sizes, efficiency and controllability. Modular screen loading and off-loading magazines for 10, 15 or 20 screens are available for unattended processing of standardized workflow configurations. Automatic sensor scanning of actual screen size optimizes operating time and together with recirculating water usage significantly reduces fresh water consumption.